Going on any outdoor adventure necessitates getting the right gear for the occasion and when talking about hiking, choosing perfect clothes is essential. In this detailed guide we will help you know everything in all necessary detail for selecting the right hiking wardrobe. If you havent checked out yet, National Park Service website is a great resource for discovering hiking tracks.
The right balance of comfort and functionality is central to choosing the perfecting hiking clothes, regardless of whether you are a beginner or a professional hiker. We will explore all the clothing options and discuss their benefits and cons from base to outer layers. Selecting the right fabric to wick away moisture, provide the right insulation and protect you from weather elements will also be covered.
But practicality is just one aspect as style matters a lot too. We will discuss how to find hiking clothes that are not only functional at the track but also are trendy and fashionable to make you feel confident. So, get ready to embark on a journey to upgrade your hiking wardrobe with our pro guide which will cover all your bases and make you ready to conquer any hiking trails that might challenge your imagination.
Hiking is an amazing way to travel and explore. This hobby can offer access to parts of the world you may not be able to visit any other way. You sometimes find yourself travelling through quiet towns that you can hike or bike through, while avoiding busy cities, and you never really know what you’ll find. One thing all hikers have in common though, the struggle of choosing the best hiking clothing and supplies.
Whether it’s summer or winter, whether you’re climbing mountains or walking along a coastline trail, you need to be prepared if you’re embarking on a journey like this. While nature can seem inviting and peaceful, it can quickly turn into chaos if you aren’t ready for anything. That’s why proper preparation is key to a successful hike or bike.
One thing that’ll make the biggest impact on how enjoyable your journey is will be how you dress. Perfecting the art of dressing accordingly will save you a lot of turmoil once you’re out there. Ensuring your activewear is comfortable and allows you room to move is crucial.
Understanding the different types of hiking clothes
There are several key types of hiking clothes, each type serving a specific purpose on hikes. Starting with base layers. This is the clothing layer that comes in close contact with the skin and is supposed to wick away moisture from body. Next comes insulating layer which traps heat to keep body warm and is usually made of fleece or down. And then the outer layers like windproof jackets and waterproof clothes help you shield from weather extremes like rain or cold breeze.
For hikes that require freedom of movement, shorts and hiking pants are important. It is crucial to understand these three layers of hiking clothes to build a functional layering system which will ensure that you are fully prepared for all weather conditions and activity levels on your hikes.
Factors to consider when selecting hiking clothes
Your choices for hiking clothes are influenced by many factors out of which weather conditions are paramount. Terrain where you will be hiking also needs to be kept in mind because more durable fabrics may be needed for rocky or overgrown trails.
Another key factors deciding your hiking clothes is the duration because you will need be mindful of packing extra layers or spare clothes for longer hikes. When doing this, also keep in mind the pack weight as you will be carrying it. Definitely a multi-day hiking adventure in unpredictable weather and mountain conditions will require different clothing requirements than a short hike in mild weather.
Essential clothing items for different seasons
Clothing choices also vary with changing seasons as each season presents its own unique challenges. For summer hikes, you will prefer lightweight, breathable fabrics that provide sun protection and moisture wicking properties. Because of the fluctuating temperatures and potential rain, adaptable layers are needed for spring and fall. Insulated layers and waterproof outwear along-with warm accessories like hats, gloves and scarves are essential for winter hiking.
Comfortable underwear for a comfortable hike
To cover some basics, you’re going to want to make sure you choose comfortable underwear. This may seem like an awkward conversation to have, but you’ll be thankful when you’re out there without wedgies or chafing.
Boxer briefs and compression shorts seem to be a favorite among experienced hikers. Also, make sure you have extra pairs, maybe even a few. Revert back to elementary school when you always had an extra pair of underwear in your backpack.
Well, here we are again. Maybe you want to take a dip and you don’t have a bathing suit, or maybe you were pushing your limits and now need a change of clothes. You never know when they’ll come in handy.
Keep in mind women, your choice in bras will make a huge difference too. Most women prefer sports bras or bandeaus for support. Something comfortable and flexible without an underwire or metal clasp.
Choosing the pants wisely
Choose pants that are fitting for the trail you’ll be on. Gym shorts and leggings can be a great option, but remember you’ll also want to protect yourself from bugs and insects, so the longer the better, especially in cold weather. Also this will provide you essential sun protection. Read about sun protective clothing to keep rays at bay at website of Skin Cancer Foundation. For our take on what to wear on a summer hike, read our summer hiking clothes post.
If it’s hot outside, maybe hiking pants would be best, as you can unzip them if necessary to cool down. If it’s cold, pack a few extra pairs in case your base layer doesn’t cut it. If you plan on being out a while, the temperature may fluctuate and you’ll be glad you have extra layers to bundle up under.
Also, remember you pants should allow you to move with ease. This is the part of your body that gets the most action, so be sure your legs don’t feel restricted while doing demanding outdoor activities like hiking.
Picking the right shirt
Choosing a long sleeve shirt as your outer layer might also be in your best interest when it comes to heavily wooded areas. It’ll shield you from the sun and also protect against creepy crawlers. Choosing bright colors can be helpful as well.
The more active hunting is along your trail, the more important this is. Many people want to dress neutral and blend in with nature, but this could actually be dangerous. Dress so other hikers and hunters can spot you, it’ll help avoid any confusion.
Your shirt can be long or short sleeves, it’s your call, but either way you should choose a breathable material. Polyester, nylon and merino wool are all great options. If it’s warm weather, you’ll want something that doesn’t retain moisture, so if you sweat you’ll dry out quickly.
If it’s cold you’ll want the same, to avoid trapping in moisture and ending up with hypothermia. In the winter months you’ll also want several more layers of warm tops. This may include a flannel or somehow other insulated sweatshirt or vest. Waterproof jackets are also a great addition in the snow, to protect you from the wind, wet conditions and heavy rain, while creating a barrier between you and the elements.
Protect your head
Hats, beanies, hoodies and earmuffs are all great ways to retain heat during frigid hikes, or shield the sun on those hot summer trails. It’s especially important to know what the best hiking clothes are during winter, as the conditions can be sever, or even deadly if you aren’t properly prepared.
Same goes for summer though, heat stroke is no joke! No matter the weather, always keep yourself hydrated, and don’t overexert yourself. Take breaks often, and be aware of your surroundings.
Select the right footwear for the trail
Now let’s talk about hiking shoes. This may be the single most important thing when picking out your best hiking clothes. You can add layers, or shed them, but what you can’t do is change your sneakers during a hike. Make sure you choose comfortable pair of hiking boots that will be appropriate for the weather, whether it is cool weather or hot weather and trails you plan on hiking.
During colder weather, hiking boots are a trustworthy default. They allow support and protection from the elements. For winter hikers though, they sometimes prefer one size up, so they can layer their socks.
Thermal hiking socks will be essential for these adventures, they help contain body heat and you should always have a few backup pairs in your hiking pack to change into in case they end up damp. If hiking boots aren’t for you, some prefer leather or faux leather shoes, something with an insulated cushy layer, or even snowshoes if you’re going to push your winter limits.
Summer months are a little different. Again, hiking boots are always a favorite. Some think they are heavy and hot though, so if you prefer something lighter, hiking sandals are a perfectly fine alternative. They are designed to be breathable and comfortable, and you can still wear socks with most designs if you’d like.
Whatever shoes you choose, whether it’s summer or winter, remember comfort is key, and dressing according to the weather and trails you’re hiking is so important!
What to avoid while picking best hiking clothes?
A last memo: a few things to avoid wearing while hiking. Do not wear denim. It will be hot, uncomfortable, and you’ll probably start chafing in no time. Cotton is another no no. It retains moisture and heat, keeping you awkwardly damp and hot.
Silk is another one, it’ll only cling to you and restrict your movements. Flimsy shoes are a burden, and no-show socks are another annoyance, after a while they’ll slip under your heel and be bunched up under your foot. Happens. Every. Time.
Overall, it’s vital to be prepared for your hikes and the weather that may come along with them. Knowing what hiking clothes are the best will help you stay comfortable and productive. Dressing accordingly will help you get to the end of your hike with ease and you’ll feel great doing it.
And of course we expect you be a responsible hiker that is kind to the environment and leaves the nature as it is. You may like to read 7 principles of Leave No Trace to know more about ethical hiking.